Class PhpRenderer


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer
Implements: RendererInterface, TreeRendererInterface


Class for Zend\View\Strategy\PhpRendererStrategy to help enforce private constructs.

Note: all private variables in this class are prefixed with "__". This is to mark them as part of the internal implementation, and thus prevent conflict with variables injected into the renderer.

Convenience methods for build in helpers (@see __call):


Name Description Defined By
__call() Overloading: proxy to helpers PhpRenderer
__clone() Make sure View variables are cloned when the view is cloned. PhpRenderer
__construct() Constructor. PhpRenderer
__get() Overloading: proxy to Variables container PhpRenderer
__isset() Overloading: proxy to Variables container PhpRenderer
__set() Overloading: proxy to Variables container PhpRenderer
__unset() Overloading: proxy to Variables container PhpRenderer
addTemplate() Add a template to the stack PhpRenderer
canRenderTrees() Can we render trees, or are we configured to do so? PhpRenderer
get() Get a single variable PhpRenderer
getEngine() Return the template engine object PhpRenderer
getFilterChain() Retrieve filter chain for post-filtering script content PhpRenderer
getHelperPluginManager() Get helper plugin manager instance PhpRenderer
init() Allow custom object initialization when extending PhpRenderer PhpRenderer
plugin() Get plugin instance PhpRenderer
render() Processes a view script and returns the output. PhpRenderer
resolver() Retrieve template name or template resolver PhpRenderer
setCanRenderTrees() Set flag indicating whether or not we should render trees of view models PhpRenderer
setFilterChain() Set filter chain PhpRenderer
setHelperPluginManager() Set helper plugin manager instance PhpRenderer
setResolver() Set script resolver PhpRenderer
setVars() Set variable storage PhpRenderer
vars() Get a single variable, or all variables PhpRenderer

Method Details


Overloading: proxy to helpers

Proxies to the attached plugin manager to retrieve, return, and potentially execute helpers.

Parameter Name Type Description
$method string
$argv array

Returns: mixed


Make sure View variables are cloned when the view is cloned.

Returns: \PhpRenderer



Parameter Name Type Description
$config array Configuration



Overloading: proxy to Variables container

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: mixed


Overloading: proxy to Variables container

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: bool


Overloading: proxy to Variables container

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string
$value mixed

Returns: void


Overloading: proxy to Variables container

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: void


Add a template to the stack

Parameter Name Type Description
$template string

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Can we render trees, or are we configured to do so?

Returns: bool


Get a single variable

Parameter Name Type Description
$key mixed

Returns: mixed


Return the template engine object

Returns the object instance, as it is its own template engine

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Retrieve filter chain for post-filtering script content

Returns: \FilterChain


Get helper plugin manager instance

Returns: \HelperPluginManager


Allow custom object initialization when extending PhpRenderer

Triggered by {@link __construct() the constructor} as its final action.

Returns: void


Get plugin instance

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string Name
$options null|array Options

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Processes a view script and returns the output.

Parameter Name Type Description
$nameOrModel string|\Model Either
$values null|array|\Traversable Values

Returns: string The script output.


Retrieve template name or template resolver

Parameter Name Type Description
$name null|string

Returns: string|\Resolver


Set flag indicating whether or not we should render trees of view models

If set to true, the View instance will not attempt to render children separately, but instead pass the root view model directly to the PhpRenderer. It is then up to the developer to render the children from within the view script.

Parameter Name Type Description
$renderTrees bool

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Set filter chain

Parameter Name Type Description
$filters \FilterChain

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Set helper plugin manager instance

Parameter Name Type Description
$helpers string|\HelperPluginManager

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Set script resolver

Parameter Name Type Description
$resolver \Resolver

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Set variable storage

Expects either an array, or an object implementing ArrayAccess.

Parameter Name Type Description
$variables array|\ArrayAccess

Returns: \PhpRenderer


Get a single variable, or all variables

Parameter Name Type Description
$key mixed

Returns: mixed
