Class Breadcrumbs


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Breadcrumbs
Extends: AbstractHelper


Helper for printing breadcrumbs.


Name Description Defined By
__call() Magic overload: Proxy calls to the navigation container AbstractHelper
__invoke() Helper entry point. Breadcrumbs
__toString() Magic overload: Proxy to {@link render()}. AbstractHelper
accept() Determines whether a page should be accepted when iterating AbstractHelper
findActive() Finds the deepest active page in the given container AbstractHelper
getAcl() Returns ACL or null if it isn't set using {@link setAcl()} or {@link setDefaultAcl()} AbstractHelper
getContainer() Returns the navigation container helper operates on by default AbstractHelper
getEventManager() Get the event manager, if present. AbstractHelper
getIndent() Returns indentation AbstractHelper
getLinkLast() Returns whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked. Breadcrumbs
getMaxDepth() Returns maximum depth a page can have to be included when rendering AbstractHelper
getMinDepth() Returns minimum depth a page must have to be included when rendering AbstractHelper
getPartial() Returns partial view script to use for rendering menu. Breadcrumbs
getRenderInvisible() Return renderInvisible flag AbstractHelper
getRole() Returns ACL role to use when iterating pages, or null if it isn't set using {@link setRole()} or {@link setDefaultRole()} AbstractHelper
getSeparator() Returns breadcrumb separator. Breadcrumbs
getServiceLocator() Get the service locator. AbstractHelper
getUseAcl() Returns whether ACL should be used AbstractHelper
hasAcl() Checks if the helper has an ACL instance AbstractHelper
hasContainer() Checks if the helper has a container AbstractHelper
hasRole() Checks if the helper has an ACL role AbstractHelper
htmlify() Returns an HTML string containing an 'a' element for the given page AbstractHelper
render() Renders helper. Breadcrumbs
renderPartial() Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper. Breadcrumbs
renderPartialWithParams() Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper with the given parameters as the model. Breadcrumbs
renderStraight() Renders breadcrumbs by chaining 'a' elements with the separator registered in the helper. Breadcrumbs
setAcl() Sets ACL to use when iterating pages AbstractHelper
setContainer() Sets navigation container the helper operates on by default AbstractHelper
setDefaultAcl() Sets default ACL to use if another ACL is not explicitly set AbstractHelper
setDefaultRole() Sets default ACL role(s) to use when iterating pages if not explicitly set later with {@link setRole()} AbstractHelper
setEventManager() Set the event manager. AbstractHelper
setIndent() Set the indentation string for using in {@link render()}, optionally a number of spaces to indent with AbstractHelper
setLinkLast() Sets whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked. Breadcrumbs
setMaxDepth() Sets the maximum depth a page can have to be included when rendering AbstractHelper
setMinDepth() Sets the minimum depth a page must have to be included when rendering AbstractHelper
setPartial() Sets which partial view script to use for rendering menu. Breadcrumbs
setRenderInvisible() Render invisible items? AbstractHelper
setRole() Sets ACL role(s) to use when iterating pages AbstractHelper
setSeparator() Sets breadcrumb separator. Breadcrumbs
setServiceLocator() Set the service locator. AbstractHelper
setUseAcl() Sets whether ACL should be used AbstractHelper

Method Details


Magic overload: Proxy calls to the navigation container

Parameter Name Type Description
$method string method
$arguments array rguments

Returns: mixed


Helper entry point.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container string|\AbstractContainer container

Returns: \Breadcrumbs


Magic overload: Proxy to {@link render()}.

This method will trigger an E_USER_ERROR if rendering the helper causes an exception to be thrown.

Implements {@link HelperInterface::__toString()}.

Returns: string


Determines whether a page should be accepted when iterating

Default listener may be 'overridden' by attaching listener to 'isAllowed' method. Listener must be 'short circuited' if overriding default ACL listener.


Parameter Name Type Description
$page \AbstractPage page
$recursive bool [optional]

Returns: bool Whether page should be accepted


Finds the deepest active page in the given container

Parameter Name Type Description
$container \Navigation\AbstractContainer container
$minDepth int|null [optional]
$maxDepth int|null [optional]

Returns: array an associative array with the values 'depth' and 'page', or an empty array if not found


Returns ACL or null if it isn't set using {@link setAcl()} or {@link setDefaultAcl()}

Implements {@link HelperInterface::getAcl()}.

Returns: \Acl\AclInterface|null ACL object or null


Returns the navigation container helper operates on by default

Implements {@link HelperInterface::getContainer()}.

If no container is set, a new container will be instantiated and stored in the helper.

Returns: \Navigation\AbstractContainer navigation container


Get the event manager, if present.

Internally, the helper will lazy-load an EM instance the first time it requires one, but ideally it should be injected during instantiation.

Returns: null|\EventManagerInterface


Returns indentation

Returns: string


Returns whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked.

Returns: bool


Returns maximum depth a page can have to be included when rendering

Returns: int|null


Returns minimum depth a page must have to be included when rendering

Returns: int|null


Returns partial view script to use for rendering menu.

Returns: string|array|null


Return renderInvisible flag

Returns: bool


Returns ACL role to use when iterating pages, or null if it isn't set using {@link setRole()} or {@link setDefaultRole()}

Implements {@link HelperInterface::getRole()}.

Returns: string|\Acl\Role\RoleInterface|null


Returns breadcrumb separator.

Returns: string breadcrumb separator


Get the service locator.

Used internally to pull named navigation containers to render.

Returns: \ContainerInterface


Returns whether ACL should be used

Implements {@link HelperInterface::getUseAcl()}.

Returns: bool


Checks if the helper has an ACL instance

Implements {@link HelperInterface::hasAcl()}.

Returns: bool


Checks if the helper has a container

Implements {@link HelperInterface::hasContainer()}.

Returns: bool


Checks if the helper has an ACL role

Implements {@link HelperInterface::hasRole()}.

Returns: bool


Returns an HTML string containing an 'a' element for the given page

Parameter Name Type Description
$page \AbstractPage page

Returns: string HTML string (<a href="…">Label</a>)


Renders helper.

Implements {@link HelperInterface::render()}.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container \AbstractContainer [optional]

Returns: string


Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper.

The container will simply be passed on as a model to the view script as-is, and will be available in the partial script as 'container', e.g. echo 'Number of pages: ', count($this->container);.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container null|\AbstractContainer [optional]
$partial null|string|array [optional]

Returns: string


Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper with the given parameters as the model.

The container will simply be passed on as a model to the view script as-is, and will be available in the partial script as 'container', e.g. echo 'Number of pages: ', count($this->container);.

Any parameters provided will be passed to the partial via the view model.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container null|\AbstractContainer [optional]
$partial null|string|array [optional]

Returns: string


Renders breadcrumbs by chaining 'a' elements with the separator registered in the helper.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container \AbstractContainer [optional]

Returns: string


Sets ACL to use when iterating pages

Implements {@link HelperInterface::setAcl()}.

Parameter Name Type Description
$acl \Acl\AclInterface ACL

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets navigation container the helper operates on by default

Implements {@link HelperInterface::setContainer()}.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container string|\Navigation\AbstractContainer Default

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets default ACL to use if another ACL is not explicitly set

Parameter Name Type Description
$acl \Acl\AclInterface [optional]

Returns: void


Sets default ACL role(s) to use when iterating pages if not explicitly set later with {@link setRole()}

Parameter Name Type Description
$role mixed [optional]

Returns: void


Set the event manager.

Parameter Name Type Description
$events \EventManagerInterface

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Set the indentation string for using in {@link render()}, optionally a number of spaces to indent with

Parameter Name Type Description
$indent string|int

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked.

Parameter Name Type Description
$linkLast bool whether

Returns: \Breadcrumbs


Sets the maximum depth a page can have to be included when rendering

Parameter Name Type Description
$maxDepth int Default

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets the minimum depth a page must have to be included when rendering

Parameter Name Type Description
$minDepth int Default

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets which partial view script to use for rendering menu.

Parameter Name Type Description
$partial string|array partial

Returns: \Breadcrumbs


Render invisible items?

Parameter Name Type Description
$renderInvisible bool

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets ACL role(s) to use when iterating pages

Implements {@link HelperInterface::setRole()}.

Parameter Name Type Description
$role mixed [optional]

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets breadcrumb separator.

Parameter Name Type Description
$separator string separator

Returns: \Breadcrumbs


Set the service locator.

Used internally to pull named navigation containers to render.

Parameter Name Type Description
$serviceLocator \ContainerInterface

Returns: \AbstractHelper


Sets whether ACL should be used

Implements {@link HelperInterface::setUseAcl()}.

Parameter Name Type Description
$useAcl bool

Returns: \AbstractHelper
