Class ImageSize


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Validator\File\ImageSize
Extends: AbstractValidator


Validator for the image size of an image file


Name Description Defined By
__construct() Sets validator options ImageSize
__get() Magic function returns the value of the requested property, if and only if it is the value or a message variable. AbstractValidator
__invoke() Invoke as command AbstractValidator
getDefaultTranslator() Get default translation object for all validate objects AbstractValidator
getDefaultTranslatorTextDomain() Get default translation text domain for all validate objects AbstractValidator
getImageHeight() Returns the set image height sizes ImageSize
getImageMax() Returns the set maximum image sizes ImageSize
getImageMin() Returns the set minimum image sizes ImageSize
getImageWidth() Returns the set image width sizes ImageSize
getMaxHeight() Returns the maximum allowed height ImageSize
getMaxWidth() Returns the maximum allowed width ImageSize
getMessageLength() Returns the maximum allowed message length AbstractValidator
getMessageTemplates() Returns the message templates from the validator AbstractValidator
getMessageVariables() Returns an array of the names of variables that are used in constructing validation failure messages AbstractValidator
getMessages() Returns array of validation failure messages AbstractValidator
getMinHeight() Returns the minimum allowed height ImageSize
getMinWidth() Returns the minimum allowed width ImageSize
getOption() Returns an option AbstractValidator
getOptions() Returns all available options AbstractValidator
getTranslator() Return translation object AbstractValidator
getTranslatorTextDomain() Return the translation text domain AbstractValidator
hasDefaultTranslator() Is there a default translation object set? AbstractValidator
hasTranslator() Does this validator have its own specific translator? AbstractValidator
isTranslatorEnabled() Is translation enabled? AbstractValidator
isValid() Returns true if and only if the image size of $value is at least min and not bigger than max ImageSize
isValueObscured() Retrieve flag indicating whether or not value should be obfuscated in messages AbstractValidator
setDefaultTranslator() Set default translation object for all validate objects AbstractValidator
setDefaultTranslatorTextDomain() Set default translation text domain for all validate objects AbstractValidator
setImageHeight() Sets the minimum and maximum image height ImageSize
setImageMax() Sets the maximum image size ImageSize
setImageMin() Sets the minimum image size ImageSize
setImageWidth() Sets the minimum and maximum image width ImageSize
setMaxHeight() Sets the maximum allowed height ImageSize
setMaxWidth() Sets the maximum allowed width ImageSize
setMessage() Sets the validation failure message template for a particular key AbstractValidator
setMessageLength() Sets the maximum allowed message length AbstractValidator
setMessages() Sets validation failure message templates given as an array, where the array keys are the message keys, and the array values are the message template strings. AbstractValidator
setMinHeight() Sets the minimum allowed height ImageSize
setMinWidth() Sets the minimum allowed width ImageSize
setOptions() Sets one or multiple options AbstractValidator
setTranslator() Set translation object AbstractValidator
setTranslatorEnabled() Indicate whether or not translation should be enabled AbstractValidator
setTranslatorTextDomain() Set translation text domain AbstractValidator
setValueObscured() Set flag indicating whether or not value should be obfuscated in messages AbstractValidator

Method Details


Sets validator options

Accepts the following option keys:

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array|\Traversable



Magic function returns the value of the requested property, if and only if it is the value or a message variable.

Parameter Name Type Description
$property string

Returns: mixed


Invoke as command

Parameter Name Type Description
$value mixed

Returns: bool


Get default translation object for all validate objects

Returns: \Translator\TranslatorInterface|null


Get default translation text domain for all validate objects

Returns: string


Returns the set image height sizes

Returns: array


Returns the set maximum image sizes

Returns: array


Returns the set minimum image sizes

Returns: array


Returns the set image width sizes

Returns: array


Returns the maximum allowed height

Returns: int


Returns the maximum allowed width

Returns: int


Returns the maximum allowed message length

Returns: int


Returns the message templates from the validator

Returns: array


Returns an array of the names of variables that are used in constructing validation failure messages

Returns: array


Returns array of validation failure messages

Returns: array


Returns the minimum allowed height

Returns: int


Returns the minimum allowed width

Returns: int


Returns an option

Parameter Name Type Description
$option string Option

Returns: mixed Returned option


Returns all available options

Returns: array Array with all available options


Return translation object

Returns: \Translator\TranslatorInterface|null


Return the translation text domain

Returns: string


Is there a default translation object set?

Returns: bool


Does this validator have its own specific translator?

Returns: bool


Is translation enabled?

Returns: bool


Returns true if and only if the image size of $value is at least min and not bigger than max

Parameter Name Type Description
$value string|array Real
$file array File

Returns: bool


Retrieve flag indicating whether or not value should be obfuscated in messages

Returns: bool


Set default translation object for all validate objects

Parameter Name Type Description
$translator \Translator\TranslatorInterface|null
$textDomain string (optional)

Returns: void


Set default translation text domain for all validate objects

Parameter Name Type Description
$textDomain string

Returns: void


Sets the minimum and maximum image height

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array The

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Sets the maximum image size

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array|\Traversable The

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Sets the minimum image size

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array The

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Sets the minimum and maximum image width

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array The

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Sets the maximum allowed height

Parameter Name Type Description
$maxHeight int

Returns: self Provides a fluid interface


Sets the maximum allowed width

Parameter Name Type Description
$maxWidth int

Returns: self Provides a fluid interface


Sets the validation failure message template for a particular key

Parameter Name Type Description
$messageString string
$messageKey string OPTIONAL

Returns: \AbstractValidator Provides a fluent interface


Sets the maximum allowed message length

Parameter Name Type Description
$length int



Sets validation failure message templates given as an array, where the array keys are the message keys, and the array values are the message template strings.

Parameter Name Type Description
$messages array

Returns: \AbstractValidator


Sets the minimum allowed height

Parameter Name Type Description
$minHeight int

Returns: self Provides a fluid interface


Sets the minimum allowed width

Parameter Name Type Description
$minWidth int

Returns: self Provides a fluid interface


Sets one or multiple options

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array|\Traversable Options

Returns: \AbstractValidator Provides fluid interface


Set translation object

Parameter Name Type Description
$translator \Translator\TranslatorInterface|null
$textDomain string (optional)

Returns: \AbstractValidator


Indicate whether or not translation should be enabled

Parameter Name Type Description
$flag bool

Returns: \AbstractValidator


Set translation text domain

Parameter Name Type Description
$textDomain string

Returns: \AbstractValidator


Set flag indicating whether or not value should be obfuscated in messages

Parameter Name Type Description
$flag bool

Returns: \AbstractValidator
