Fully Qualified Name: | Zend\Test\PHPUnit\Controller\AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
Extends: | AbstractControllerTestCase |
Name | Description | Defined By |
assertActionName() | Assert that the application route match used the given action | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertApplicationException() | Assert the application exception and message | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertControllerClass() | Assert that the application route match used the given controller class | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertControllerName() | Assert that the application route match used the given controller name | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertHasResponseHeader() | Assert response header exists | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertMatchedRouteName() | Assert that the application route match used the given route name | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertModuleName() | Assert that the application route match used the given module | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertModulesLoaded() | Assert modules were loaded with the module manager | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNoMatchedRoute() | Assert that the application did not match any route | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotActionName() | Assert that the application route match used NOT the given action | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotControllerClass() | Assert that the application route match used NOT the given controller class | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotControllerName() | Assert that the application route match used NOT the given controller name | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotHasResponseHeader() | Assert response header does not exist | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotMatchedRouteName() | Assert that the application route match used NOT the given route name | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotModuleName() | Assert that the application route match used NOT the given module | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotModulesLoaded() | Assert modules were not loaded with the module manager | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotQuery() | Assert against DOM selection | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotQueryContentContains() | Assert against DOM selection; node should NOT contain content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotQueryContentRegex() | Assert against DOM selection; node should NOT match content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotQueryCount() | Assert against DOM selection; should NOT contain exact number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotRedirect() | Assert that response is NOT a redirect | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotRedirectRegex() | Assert that redirect location does not match pattern | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotRedirectTo() | Assert that response does not redirect to given URL | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotResponseHeaderContains() | Assert response header exists and contains the given string | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotResponseHeaderRegex() | Assert response header does not exist and/or does not match the given regex | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotResponseStatusCode() | Assert not response status code | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotTemplateName() | Assert not template name Assert that a template was not used somewhere in the view model tree | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertNotXpathQuery() | Assert against XPath selection | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotXpathQueryContentContains() | Assert against XPath selection; node should NOT contain content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotXpathQueryContentRegex() | Assert against XPath selection; node should NOT match content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertNotXpathQueryCount() | Assert against XPath selection; should NOT contain exact number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertQuery() | Assert against DOM selection | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertQueryContentContains() | Assert against DOM selection; node should contain content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertQueryContentRegex() | Assert against DOM selection; node should match content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertQueryCount() | Assert against DOM selection; should contain exact number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertQueryCountMax() | Assert against DOM selection; should contain no more than this number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertQueryCountMin() | Assert against DOM selection; should contain at least this number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertRedirect() | Assert that response is a redirect | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertRedirectRegex() | Assert that redirect location matches pattern | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertRedirectTo() | Assert that response redirects to given URL | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertResponseHeaderContains() | Assert response header exists and contains the given string | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertResponseHeaderRegex() | Assert response header exists and matches the given pattern | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertResponseReasonPhrase() | Assert response has the given reason phrase | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertResponseStatusCode() | Assert response status code | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertTemplateName() | Assert template name Assert that a template was used somewhere in the view model tree | AbstractControllerTestCase |
assertXpathQuery() | Assert against XPath selection | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertXpathQueryContentContains() | Assert against XPath selection; node should contain content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertXpathQueryContentRegex() | Assert against XPath selection; node should match content | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertXpathQueryCount() | Assert against XPath selection; should contain exact number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertXpathQueryCountMax() | Assert against XPath selection; should contain no more than this number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
assertXpathQueryCountMin() | Assert against XPath selection; should contain at least this number of nodes | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
dispatch() | Dispatch the MVC with a URL Accept a HTTP (simulate a customer action) or console route. | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getApplication() | Get the application object | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getApplicationConfig() | Get the application config | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getApplicationServiceLocator() | Get the service manager of the application object | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getRequest() | Get the application request object | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getResponse() | Get the application response object | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getTraceError() | Get the trace error flag | AbstractControllerTestCase |
getUseConsoleRequest() | Get the usage of the console router or not | AbstractControllerTestCase |
registerXpathNamespaces() | Register XPath namespaces | AbstractHttpControllerTestCase |
reset() | Reset the request | AbstractControllerTestCase |
setApplicationConfig() | Set the application config | AbstractControllerTestCase |
setTraceError() | Set the trace error flag | AbstractControllerTestCase |
setUseConsoleRequest() | Set the usage of the console router or not | AbstractControllerTestCase |
triggerApplicationEvent() | Trigger an application event | AbstractControllerTestCase |
url() | Set the request URL | AbstractControllerTestCase |
Assert that the application route match used the given action
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$action | string |
Assert the application exception and message
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
application | $message | exception |
$type | ||
$message |
Assert that the application route match used the given controller class
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$controller | string |
Assert that the application route match used the given controller name
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$controller | string |
Assert response header exists
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$header | string |
Assert that the application route match used the given route name
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$route | string |
Assert that the application route match used the given module
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$module | string |
Assert modules were loaded with the module manager
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$modules | array |
Assert that the application did not match any route
Assert that the application route match used NOT the given action
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$action | string |
Assert that the application route match used NOT the given controller class
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$controller | string |
Assert that the application route match used NOT the given controller name
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$controller | string |
Assert response header does not exist
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$header | string |
Assert that the application route match used NOT the given route name
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$route | string |
Assert that the application route match used NOT the given module
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$module | string |
Assert modules were not loaded with the module manager
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$modules | array |
Assert against DOM selection
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
Assert against DOM selection; node should NOT contain content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$match | string | content |
Assert against DOM selection; node should NOT match content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$pattern | string | pattern |
Assert against DOM selection; should NOT contain exact number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$count | string | Number |
Assert that response is NOT a redirect
Assert that redirect location does not match pattern
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$pattern | string |
Assert that response does not redirect to given URL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$url | string |
Assert response header exists and contains the given string
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$header | string | |
$match | string |
Assert response header does not exist and/or does not match the given regex
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$header | string | |
$pattern | string |
Assert not response status code
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$code | int |
Assert not template name Assert that a template was not used somewhere in the view model tree
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$templateName | string |
Assert against XPath selection
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
Assert against XPath selection; node should NOT contain content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$match | string | content |
Assert against XPath selection; node should NOT match content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$pattern | string | pattern |
Assert against XPath selection; should NOT contain exact number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$count | string | Number |
Assert against DOM selection
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
Assert against DOM selection; node should contain content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$match | string | content |
Assert against DOM selection; node should match content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$pattern | string | Pattern |
Assert against DOM selection; should contain exact number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$count | string | Number |
Assert against DOM selection; should contain no more than this number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$count | string | Maximum |
Assert against DOM selection; should contain at least this number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | CSS |
$count | string | Minimum |
Assert that response is a redirect
Assert that redirect location matches pattern
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$pattern | string |
Assert that response redirects to given URL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$url | string |
Assert response header exists and contains the given string
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$header | string | |
$match | string |
Assert response header exists and matches the given pattern
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$header | string | |
$pattern | string |
Assert response has the given reason phrase
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$phrase | string |
Assert response status code
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$code | int |
Assert template name Assert that a template was used somewhere in the view model tree
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$templateName | string |
Assert against XPath selection
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
Assert against XPath selection; node should contain content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$match | string | content |
Assert against XPath selection; node should match content
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$pattern | string | Pattern |
Assert against XPath selection; should contain exact number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$count | string | Number |
Assert against XPath selection; should contain no more than this number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$count | string | Maximum |
Assert against XPath selection; should contain at least this number of nodes
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | XPath |
$count | string | Minimum |
Dispatch the MVC with a URL Accept a HTTP (simulate a customer action) or console route.
The URL provided set the request URI in the request object.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$url | string | |
$method | string|null | |
$params | array|null | |
$isXmlHttpRequest |
Get the application object
Returns: \Zend\Mvc\ApplicationInterface
Get the application config
Returns: array the application config
Get the service manager of the application object
Returns: \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager
Get the application request object
Returns: \Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface
Get the application response object
Returns: \ResponseInterface
Get the trace error flag
Returns: bool
Get the usage of the console router or not
Returns: bool $boolean
Register XPath namespaces
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$xpathNamespaces | array |
Reset the request
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$keepPersistence |
Returns: \AbstractControllerTestCase
Set the application config
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$applicationConfig | array |
Returns: \AbstractControllerTestCase
Set the trace error flag
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$traceError | bool |
Returns: \AbstractControllerTestCase
Set the usage of the console router or not
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$boolean | bool |
Returns: \AbstractControllerTestCase
Trigger an application event
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$eventName | string |
Returns: \Zend\EventManager\ResponseCollection
Set the request URL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$url | string | |
$method | string|null | |
$params | array|null |
Returns: \AbstractControllerTestCase