Interface StringWrapperInterface


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\StringWrapperInterface



Name Description Defined By
convert() Convert a string from defined encoding to the defined convert encoding StringWrapperInterface
getConvertEncoding() Get the defined character encoding to convert to (upper case) StringWrapperInterface
getEncoding() Get the defined character encoding to work with (upper case) StringWrapperInterface
getSupportedEncodings() Get a list of supported character encodings StringWrapperInterface
isSupported() Check if the given character encoding is supported by this wrapper and the character encoding to convert to is also supported. StringWrapperInterface
setEncoding() Set character encoding working with and convert to StringWrapperInterface
strPad() Pad a string to a certain length with another string StringWrapperInterface
strlen() Returns the length of the given string StringWrapperInterface
strpos() Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string StringWrapperInterface
substr() Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters StringWrapperInterface
wordWrap() Wraps a string to a given number of characters StringWrapperInterface

Method Details


Convert a string from defined encoding to the defined convert encoding

Parameter Name Type Description
$str string
$reverse bool

Returns: string|bool


Get the defined character encoding to convert to (upper case)

Returns: string|null


Get the defined character encoding to work with (upper case)

Returns: string


Get a list of supported character encodings

Returns: string[]


Check if the given character encoding is supported by this wrapper and the character encoding to convert to is also supported.

Parameter Name Type Description
$encoding string
$convertEncoding string|null



Set character encoding working with and convert to

Parameter Name Type Description
$encoding string The
$convertEncoding string|null The

Returns: \StringWrapperInterface


Pad a string to a certain length with another string

Parameter Name Type Description
$input string
$padLength int
$padString string
$padType int

Returns: string


Returns the length of the given string

Parameter Name Type Description
$str string

Returns: int|bool


Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string

Parameter Name Type Description
$haystack string
$needle string
$offset int

Returns: int|bool


Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
$str string
$offset int
$length int|null

Returns: string|bool


Wraps a string to a given number of characters

Parameter Name Type Description
$str string
$width int
$break string
$cut bool

Returns: string
