Class WriterFactory


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Log\Writer\Factory\WriterFactory
Implements: FactoryInterface


Factory for instantiating classes with no dependencies or which accept a single array.

The WriterFactory can be used for any class that:

It replaces the "invokables" and "invokable class" functionality of the v2 service manager, and can also be used in v2 code for forwards compatibility with v3.


Name Description Defined By
__construct() WriterFactory
__invoke() Create an instance of the requested class name. WriterFactory
createService() Create an instance of the named service. WriterFactory
setCreationOptions() {@inheritdoc} WriterFactory

Method Details


Parameter Name Type Description
$creationOptions array



Create an instance of the requested class name.

Parameter Name Type Description
$container \ContainerInterface
$requestedName string
$options null|array

Returns: object


Create an instance of the named service.

First, it checks if $canonicalName resolves to a class, and, if so, uses that value to proxy to __invoke().

Next, if $requestedName is non-empty and resolves to a class, this method uses that value to proxy to __invoke().

Finally, if the above each fail, it raises an exception.

The approach above is performed as version 2 has two distinct behaviors under which factories are invoked:

Parameter Name Type Description
$serviceLocator \ServiceLocatorInterface
$canonicalName null|string
$requestedName null|string

Returns: object



Parameter Name Type Description

