Class ArraySerializable


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Hydrator\ArraySerializable
Extends: AbstractHydrator



Name Description Defined By
__construct() Initializes a new instance of this class. AbstractHydrator
addFilter() Add a new filter to take care of what needs to be hydrated. AbstractHydrator
addStrategy() Adds the given strategy under the given name. AbstractHydrator
extract() Extract values from the provided object ArraySerializable
extractName() Convert a name for extraction. If no naming strategy exists, the plain value is returned. AbstractHydrator
extractValue() Converts a value for extraction. If no strategy exists the plain value is returned. AbstractHydrator
getFilter() Get the filter instance AbstractHydrator
getNamingStrategy() Gets the naming strategy. AbstractHydrator
getStrategy() Gets the strategy with the given name. AbstractHydrator
hasFilter() Check whether a specific filter exists at key $name or not AbstractHydrator
hasNamingStrategy() Checks if a naming strategy exists. AbstractHydrator
hasStrategy() Checks if the strategy with the given name exists. AbstractHydrator
hydrate() Hydrate an object ArraySerializable
hydrateName() Converts a value for hydration. If no naming strategy exists, the plain value is returned. AbstractHydrator
hydrateValue() Converts a value for hydration. If no strategy exists the plain value is returned. AbstractHydrator
removeFilter() Remove a filter from the composition. AbstractHydrator
removeNamingStrategy() Removes the naming strategy AbstractHydrator
removeStrategy() Removes the strategy with the given name. AbstractHydrator
setNamingStrategy() Adds the given naming strategy AbstractHydrator

Method Details


Initializes a new instance of this class.



Add a new filter to take care of what needs to be hydrated.

To exclude e.g. the method getServiceLocator:


function ($property) {
    list($class, $method) = explode('::', $property);
    if ($method === 'getServiceLocator') {
        return false;
    return true;
}, FilterComposite::CONDITION_AND


Parameter Name Type Description
$name string Index
$filter callable|\Filter\FilterInterface
$condition int

Returns: \Filter\FilterComposite


Adds the given strategy under the given name.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The
$strategy \Strategy\StrategyInterface The

Returns: \AbstractHydrator


Extract values from the provided object

Extracts values via the object's getArrayCopy() method.

Parameter Name Type Description
$object object

Returns: array


Convert a name for extraction. If no naming strategy exists, the plain value is returned.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The
$object null The

Returns: mixed


Converts a value for extraction. If no strategy exists the plain value is returned.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The
$value mixed The
$object mixed The

Returns: mixed


Get the filter instance

Returns: \Filter\FilterComposite


Gets the naming strategy.

Returns: \NamingStrategy\NamingStrategyInterface


Gets the strategy with the given name.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The

Returns: \Strategy\StrategyInterface


Check whether a specific filter exists at key $name or not

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string Index

Returns: bool


Checks if a naming strategy exists.

Returns: bool


Checks if the strategy with the given name exists.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The

Returns: bool


Hydrate an object

Hydrates an object by passing $data to either its exchangeArray() or populate() method.

Parameter Name Type Description
$data array
$object object

Returns: object


Converts a value for hydration. If no naming strategy exists, the plain value is returned.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The
$data array The

Returns: mixed


Converts a value for hydration. If no strategy exists the plain value is returned.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The
$value mixed The
$data array The

Returns: mixed


Remove a filter from the composition.

To not extract "has" methods, you simply need to unregister it


Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: \Filter\FilterComposite


Removes the naming strategy

Returns: self


Removes the strategy with the given name.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string The

Returns: \HydratorInterface


Adds the given naming strategy

Parameter Name Type Description
$strategy \NamingStrategy\NamingStrategyInterface The

Returns: self
