Class Headers


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Http\Headers
Implements: Countable, Iterator


Basic HTTP headers collection functionality Handles aggregation of headers


Name Description Defined By
addHeader() Add a Header to this container, for raw values @see addHeaderLine() and addHeaders() Headers
addHeaderLine() Add a raw header line, either in name => value, or as a single string 'name: value' Headers
addHeaders() Add many headers at once Headers
clearHeaders() Clear all headers Headers
count() Return the number of headers in this contain, if all headers have not been parsed, actual count could increase if MultipleHeader objects exist in the Request/Response. If you need an exact count, iterate Headers
current() Return the current value for this iterator, lazy loading it if need be Headers
forceLoading() By calling this, it will force parsing and loading of all headers, after this count() will be accurate Headers
fromString() Populates headers from string representation Headers
get() Get all headers of a certain name/type Headers
getPluginClassLoader() Return an instance of a PluginClassLocator, lazyload and inject map if necessary Headers
has() Test for existence of a type of header Headers
key() Return the current key for this object as an iterator Headers
next() Advance the pointer for this object as an iterator Headers
removeHeader() Remove a Header from the container Headers
rewind() Reset the internal pointer for this object as an iterator Headers
setPluginClassLoader() Set an alternate implementation for the PluginClassLoader Headers
toArray() Return the headers container as an array Headers
toString() Render all headers at once Headers
valid() Is this iterator still valid? Headers

Method Details


Add a Header to this container, for raw values @see addHeaderLine() and addHeaders()

Parameter Name Type Description
$header \Header\HeaderInterface

Returns: \Headers


Add a raw header line, either in name => value, or as a single string 'name: value'

This method allows for lazy-loading in that the parsing and instantiation of Header object will be delayed until they are retrieved by either get() or current()

Parameter Name Type Description
$headerFieldNameOrLine string
$fieldValue string optional

Returns: \Headers


Add many headers at once

Expects an array (or Traversable object) of type/value pairs.

Parameter Name Type Description
$headers array|\Traversable

Returns: \Headers


Clear all headers

Removes all headers from queue

Returns: \Headers


Return the number of headers in this contain, if all headers have not been parsed, actual count could increase if MultipleHeader objects exist in the Request/Response. If you need an exact count, iterate

Returns: int count of currently known headers


Return the current value for this iterator, lazy loading it if need be

Returns: array|\Header\HeaderInterface


By calling this, it will force parsing and loading of all headers, after this count() will be accurate

Returns: bool


Populates headers from string representation

Parses a string for headers, and aggregates them, in order, in the current instance, primarily as strings until they are needed (they will be lazy loaded)

Parameter Name Type Description
$string string

Returns: \Headers


Get all headers of a certain name/type

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: bool|\Header\HeaderInterface|\ArrayIterator


Return an instance of a PluginClassLocator, lazyload and inject map if necessary

Returns: \PluginClassLocator


Test for existence of a type of header

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: bool


Return the current key for this object as an iterator

Returns: mixed


Advance the pointer for this object as an iterator

Returns: void


Remove a Header from the container

Parameter Name Type Description
$header \Header\HeaderInterface

Returns: bool


Reset the internal pointer for this object as an iterator

Returns: void


Set an alternate implementation for the PluginClassLoader

Parameter Name Type Description
$pluginClassLoader \Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator

Returns: \Headers


Return the headers container as an array

Returns: array


Render all headers at once

This method handles the normal iteration of headers; it is up to the concrete classes to prepend with the appropriate status/request line.

Returns: string


Is this iterator still valid?

Returns: bool
