Class Fieldset


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Form\Fieldset
Extends: Element
Implements: FieldsetInterface



Name Description Defined By
__clone() Make a deep clone of a fieldset Fieldset
__construct() Fieldset
add() Add an element or fieldset Fieldset
allowObjectBinding() Checks if the object can be set in this fieldset Fieldset
allowValueBinding() Checks if this fieldset can bind data Fieldset
allowedObjectBindingClass() Get The class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset. Fieldset
bindValues() Bind values to the bound object Fieldset
clearAttributes() Clear all attributes Element
clearLabelOptions() Clear all label options Element
count() Countable: return count of attached elements/fieldsets Fieldset
get() Retrieve a named element or fieldset Fieldset
getAttribute() Retrieve a single element attribute Element
getAttributes() Retrieve all attributes at once Element
getElements() Retrieve all attached elements Fieldset
getFieldsets() Retrieve all attached fieldsets Fieldset
getFormFactory() Retrieve composed form factory Fieldset
getHydrator() Get the hydrator used when binding an object to the fieldset Fieldset
getIterator() IteratorAggregate: return internal iterator Fieldset
getLabel() Retrieve the label used for this element Element
getLabelAttributes() Get the attributes to use with the label Element
getLabelOption() Retrieve a single label option Element
getLabelOptions() Get label specific options Element
getMessages() Get validation error messages, if any Fieldset
getName() Get value for name Element
getObject() Get the object used by the hydrator Fieldset
getOption() Return the specified option Element
getOptions() Get defined options Element
getValue() Retrieve the element value Element
has() Does the fieldset have an element/fieldset by the given name? Fieldset
hasAttribute() Does the element has a specific attribute ? Element
hasLabelOption() Does the element has a specific label option ? Element
init() This function is automatically called when creating element with factory. It allows to perform various operations (add elements. Element
populateValues() Recursively populate values of attached elements and fieldsets Fieldset
prepareElement() Ensures state is ready for use. Here, we append the name of the fieldsets to every elements in order to avoid name clashes if the same fieldset is used multiple times Fieldset
remove() Remove a named element or fieldset Fieldset
removeAttribute() Remove a single attribute Element
removeAttributes() Remove many attributes at once Element
removeLabelOption() Remove a single label option Element
removeLabelOptions() Remove many attributes at once Element
setAllowedObjectBindingClass() Set the class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset. Fieldset
setAttribute() Set a single element attribute Element
setAttributes() Set many attributes at once Element
setFormFactory() Compose a form factory to use when calling add() with a non-element/fieldset Fieldset
setHydrator() Set the hydrator to use when binding an object to the element Fieldset
setLabel() Set the label used for this element Element
setLabelAttributes() Set the attributes to use with the label Element
setLabelOption() Set a single label optionn Element
setLabelOptions() Set many label options at once Element
setMessages() Set a hash of element names/messages to use when validation fails Fieldset
setName() Set value for name Element
setObject() Set the object used by the hydrator Fieldset
setOption() Set a single option for an element Element
setOptions() Set options for a fieldset. Accepted options are: - use_as_base_fieldset: is this fieldset use as the base fieldset? Fieldset
setPriority() Set/change the priority of an element or fieldset Fieldset
setUseAsBaseFieldset() Set if this fieldset is used as a base fieldset Fieldset
setValue() Set the element value Element
useAsBaseFieldset() Is this fieldset use as a base fieldset for a form ? Fieldset

Method Details


Make a deep clone of a fieldset

Returns: void


Parameter Name Type Description
$name null|int|string Optional
$options array Optional



Add an element or fieldset

$flags could contain metadata such as the alias under which to register the element or fieldset, order in which to prioritize it, etc.

Parameter Name Type Description
$elementOrFieldset array|\Traversable|\ElementInterface
$flags array

Returns: \Fieldset|\FieldsetInterface


Checks if the object can be set in this fieldset

Parameter Name Type Description
$object object

Returns: bool


Checks if this fieldset can bind data

Returns: bool


Get The class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset.

Returns: string


Bind values to the bound object

Parameter Name Type Description
$values array
$validationGroup array

Returns: mixed|void


Clear all attributes

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Clear all label options

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Countable: return count of attached elements/fieldsets

Returns: int


Retrieve a named element or fieldset

Parameter Name Type Description
$elementOrFieldset string

Returns: \ElementInterface|\FieldsetInterface


Retrieve a single element attribute

Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: mixed|null


Retrieve all attributes at once

Returns: array|\Traversable


Retrieve all attached elements

Storage is an implementation detail of the concrete class.

Returns: array|\Traversable


Retrieve all attached fieldsets

Storage is an implementation detail of the concrete class.

Returns: array|\Traversable


Retrieve composed form factory

Lazy-loads one if none present.

Returns: \Factory


Get the hydrator used when binding an object to the fieldset

If no hydrator is present and object implements HydratorAwareInterface, hydrator will be retrieved from the object.

Will lazy-load Hydrator\ArraySerializable if none is present.

Returns: \HydratorInterface


IteratorAggregate: return internal iterator

Returns: \PriorityList


Retrieve the label used for this element

Returns: null|string


Get the attributes to use with the label

Returns: array


Retrieve a single label option

Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: mixed|null


Get label specific options

Returns: array


Get validation error messages, if any

Returns a hash of element names/messages for all elements failing validation, or, if $elementName is provided, messages for that element only.

Parameter Name Type Description
$elementName null|string

Returns: array|\Traversable


Get value for name

Returns: string|int


Get the object used by the hydrator

Returns: mixed


Return the specified option

Parameter Name Type Description
$option string

Returns: null|mixed


Get defined options

Returns: array


Retrieve the element value

Returns: mixed


Does the fieldset have an element/fieldset by the given name?

Parameter Name Type Description
$elementOrFieldset string

Returns: bool


Does the element has a specific attribute ?

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: bool


Does the element has a specific label option ?

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: bool


This function is automatically called when creating element with factory. It allows to perform various operations (add elements.


Returns: void


Recursively populate values of attached elements and fieldsets

Parameter Name Type Description
$data array|\Traversable

Returns: void


Ensures state is ready for use. Here, we append the name of the fieldsets to every elements in order to avoid name clashes if the same fieldset is used multiple times

Parameter Name Type Description
$form \FormInterface

Returns: mixed|void


Remove a named element or fieldset

Parameter Name Type Description
$elementOrFieldset string

Returns: \FieldsetInterface


Remove a single attribute

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: \ElementInterface


Remove many attributes at once

Parameter Name Type Description
$keys array

Returns: \ElementInterface


Remove a single label option

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: \ElementInterface


Remove many attributes at once

Parameter Name Type Description
$keys array

Returns: \ElementInterface


Set the class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset.

Parameter Name Type Description
$allowObjectBindingClass string



Set a single element attribute

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string
$value mixed

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set many attributes at once

Implementation will decide if this will overwrite or merge.

Parameter Name Type Description
$arrayOrTraversable array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Compose a form factory to use when calling add() with a non-element/fieldset

Parameter Name Type Description
$factory \Factory

Returns: \Form


Set the hydrator to use when binding an object to the element

Parameter Name Type Description
$hydrator \HydratorInterface

Returns: \FieldsetInterface


Set the label used for this element

Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set the attributes to use with the label

Parameter Name Type Description
$labelAttributes array

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set a single label optionn

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string
$value mixed

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set many label options at once

Implementation will decide if this will overwrite or merge.

Parameter Name Type Description
$arrayOrTraversable array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set a hash of element names/messages to use when validation fails

Parameter Name Type Description
$messages array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface|\FieldsetInterface


Set value for name

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set the object used by the hydrator

Parameter Name Type Description
$object object

Returns: \Fieldset|\FieldsetInterface


Set a single option for an element

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string
$value mixed

Returns: self


Set options for a fieldset. Accepted options are: - use_as_base_fieldset: is this fieldset use as the base fieldset?

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set/change the priority of an element or fieldset

Parameter Name Type Description
$elementOrFieldset string
$priority int

Returns: \FieldsetInterface


Set if this fieldset is used as a base fieldset

Parameter Name Type Description
$useAsBaseFieldset bool

Returns: \Fieldset


Set the element value

Parameter Name Type Description
$value mixed

Returns: \Element


Is this fieldset use as a base fieldset for a form ?

Returns: bool
