Class Password


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Form\Element\Password
Extends: Element
Implements: ElementPrepareAwareInterface



Name Description Defined By
__construct() Element
clearAttributes() Clear all attributes Element
clearLabelOptions() Clear all label options Element
getAttribute() Retrieve a single element attribute Element
getAttributes() Retrieve all attributes at once Element
getLabel() Retrieve the label used for this element Element
getLabelAttributes() Get the attributes to use with the label Element
getLabelOption() Retrieve a single label option Element
getLabelOptions() Get label specific options Element
getMessages() Get validation error messages, if any. Element
getName() Get value for name Element
getOption() Return the specified option Element
getOptions() Get defined options Element
getValue() Retrieve the element value Element
hasAttribute() Does the element has a specific attribute ? Element
hasLabelOption() Does the element has a specific label option ? Element
init() This function is automatically called when creating element with factory. It allows to perform various operations (add elements. Element
prepareElement() Remove the password before rendering if the form fails in order to avoid any security issue Password
removeAttribute() Remove a single attribute Element
removeAttributes() Remove many attributes at once Element
removeLabelOption() Remove a single label option Element
removeLabelOptions() Remove many attributes at once Element
setAttribute() Set a single element attribute Element
setAttributes() Set many attributes at once Element
setLabel() Set the label used for this element Element
setLabelAttributes() Set the attributes to use with the label Element
setLabelOption() Set a single label optionn Element
setLabelOptions() Set many label options at once Element
setMessages() Set a list of messages to report when validation fails Element
setName() Set value for name Element
setOption() Set a single option for an element Element
setOptions() Set options for an element. Accepted options are: - label: label to associate with the element - label_attributes: attributes to use when the label is rendered - label_options: label specific options Element
setValue() Set the element value Element

Method Details


Parameter Name Type Description
$name null|int|string Optional
$options array Optional



Clear all attributes

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Clear all label options

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Retrieve a single element attribute

Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: mixed|null


Retrieve all attributes at once

Returns: array|\Traversable


Retrieve the label used for this element

Returns: null|string


Get the attributes to use with the label

Returns: array


Retrieve a single label option

Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: mixed|null


Get label specific options

Returns: array


Get validation error messages, if any.

Returns a list of validation failure messages, if any.

Returns: array|\Traversable


Get value for name

Returns: string|int


Return the specified option

Parameter Name Type Description
$option string

Returns: null|mixed


Get defined options

Returns: array


Retrieve the element value

Returns: mixed


Does the element has a specific attribute ?

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: bool


Does the element has a specific label option ?

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: bool


This function is automatically called when creating element with factory. It allows to perform various operations (add elements.


Returns: void


Remove the password before rendering if the form fails in order to avoid any security issue

Parameter Name Type Description
$form \FormInterface

Returns: mixed


Remove a single attribute

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: \ElementInterface


Remove many attributes at once

Parameter Name Type Description
$keys array

Returns: \ElementInterface


Remove a single label option

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string

Returns: \ElementInterface


Remove many attributes at once

Parameter Name Type Description
$keys array

Returns: \ElementInterface


Set a single element attribute

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string
$value mixed

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set many attributes at once

Implementation will decide if this will overwrite or merge.

Parameter Name Type Description
$arrayOrTraversable array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set the label used for this element

Parameter Name Type Description

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set the attributes to use with the label

Parameter Name Type Description
$labelAttributes array

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set a single label optionn

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string
$value mixed

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set many label options at once

Implementation will decide if this will overwrite or merge.

Parameter Name Type Description
$arrayOrTraversable array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set a list of messages to report when validation fails

Parameter Name Type Description
$messages array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set value for name

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set a single option for an element

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string
$value mixed

Returns: self


Set options for an element. Accepted options are: - label: label to associate with the element - label_attributes: attributes to use when the label is rendered - label_options: label specific options

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array|\Traversable

Returns: \Element|\ElementInterface


Set the element value

Parameter Name Type Description
$value mixed

Returns: \Element
