Interface TraitUsageInterface


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Code\Generator\TraitUsageInterface



Name Description Defined By
addTrait() Add trait takes an array of trait options or string as arguments. TraitUsageInterface
addTraitAlias() Add a trait alias. This will be used to generate the AS portion of the use statement. TraitUsageInterface
addTraitOverride() Add a trait method override. This will be used to generate the INSTEADOF portion of the use statement. TraitUsageInterface
addTraits() Add multiple traits. Trait can be an array of trait names or array of trait configurations TraitUsageInterface
addUse() Add a class to "use" classes TraitUsageInterface
getTraitAliases() TraitUsageInterface
getTraitOverrides() Return trait overrides TraitUsageInterface
getTraits() Get a list of trait names TraitUsageInterface
getUses() Returns the "use" classes TraitUsageInterface
hasTrait() Check to see if the class has a trait defined TraitUsageInterface
removeTrait() Remove a trait by its name TraitUsageInterface
removeTraitOverride() Remove an override for a given trait::method TraitUsageInterface

Method Details


Add trait takes an array of trait options or string as arguments.

Array Format: key: traitName value: String

key: aliases value: array of arrays

 key: method value: @see addTraitAlias
 key: alias value: @see addTraitAlias
 key: visibility value: @see addTraitAlias

key: insteadof value: array of arrays

 key: method value: @see self::addTraitOverride
 key: traitToReplace value: @see self::addTraitOverride
Parameter Name Type Description
$trait mixed String

Returns: self


Add a trait alias. This will be used to generate the AS portion of the use statement.

$method: This method provides 2 ways for defining the trait method. Option 1: String Option 2: Array key: traitName value: name of trait key: method value: trait method

$alias: Alias is a string representing the new method name.

$visibilty: ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE| ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED

Parameter Name Type Description
$method mixed String
$alias string
$visiblity int



Add a trait method override. This will be used to generate the INSTEADOF portion of the use statement.

$method: This method provides 2 ways for defining the trait method. Option 1: String Format: :: Option 2: Array key: traitName value: trait name key: method value: method name

$traitToReplace: The name of the trait that you wish to supersede.

This method provides 2 ways for defining the trait method. Option 1: String of trait to replace Option 2: Array of strings of traits to replace

Parameter Name Type Description
$method mixed
$traitToReplace mixed



Add multiple traits. Trait can be an array of trait names or array of trait configurations

Parameter Name Type Description
$traitName array Array

Returns: self


Add a class to "use" classes

Parameter Name Type Description
$use string
$useAlias string|null

Returns: self


Returns: array


Return trait overrides

Returns: array


Get a list of trait names

Returns: array


Returns the "use" classes

Returns: array


Check to see if the class has a trait defined

Parameter Name Type Description
$traitName \strint

Returns: bool


Remove a trait by its name

Parameter Name Type Description



Remove an override for a given trait::method

$method: This method provides 2 ways for defining the trait method. Option 1: String Format: :: Option 2: Array key: traitName value: trait name key: method value: method name

$overridesToRemove: The name of the trait that you wish to remove.

This method provides 2 ways for defining the trait method. Option 1: String of trait to replace Option 2: Array of strings of traits to replace

Parameter Name Type Description
$overridesToRemove null

Returns: $this
