Class OutputCache


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Cache\Pattern\OutputCache
Extends: AbstractPattern



Name Description Defined By
end() Stops buffering output, write buffered data to cache using the given key on start() and displays the buffer. OutputCache
getOptions() Get all pattern options AbstractPattern
setOptions() Set options OutputCache
start() if there is a cached item with the given key display it's data and return true else start buffering output until end() is called or the script ends. OutputCache

Method Details


Stops buffering output, write buffered data to cache using the given key on start() and displays the buffer.

Returns: bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure writing to cache


Get all pattern options

Returns: \PatternOptions


Set options

Parameter Name Type Description
$options \PatternOptions

Returns: \OutputCache Provides a fluent interface


if there is a cached item with the given key display it's data and return true else start buffering output until end() is called or the script ends.

Parameter Name Type Description
$key string Key

Returns: bool
