Class ObjectCache


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Cache\Pattern\ObjectCache
Extends: CallbackCache



Name Description Defined By
__call() Class method call handler ObjectCache
__get() Reading data from properties. ObjectCache
__invoke() Handle invoke calls ObjectCache
__isset() Checking existing properties. ObjectCache
__set() Writing data to properties. ObjectCache
__toString() Handle casting to string ObjectCache
__unset() Unseting a property. ObjectCache
call() Call and cache a class method ObjectCache
generateKey() Generate a unique key in base of a key representing the callback part and a key representing the arguments part. ObjectCache
getOptions() Get all pattern options AbstractPattern
setOptions() Set options ObjectCache

Method Details


Class method call handler

Parameter Name Type Description
$method string Method
$args array Method

Returns: mixed


Reading data from properties.

NOTE: Magic properties will be cached too if the option cacheMagicProperties is enabled and the property doesn't exist in real. If so it calls __get.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: mixed


Handle invoke calls

Returns: mixed


Checking existing properties.

NOTE: Magic properties will be cached too if the option cacheMagicProperties is enabled and the property doesn't exist in real. If so it calls __get.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: bool


Writing data to properties.

NOTE: Magic properties will be cached too if the option cacheMagicProperties is enabled and the property doesn't exist in real. If so it calls set and removes cached data of previous get and __isset calls.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string
$value mixed

Returns: void


Handle casting to string

Returns: string


Unseting a property.

NOTE: Magic properties will be cached too if the option cacheMagicProperties is enabled and the property doesn't exist in real. If so it removes previous cached isset and get calls.

Parameter Name Type Description
$name string

Returns: void


Call and cache a class method

Parameter Name Type Description
$method string Method
$args array Method

Returns: mixed


Generate a unique key in base of a key representing the callback part and a key representing the arguments part.

Parameter Name Type Description
$method string The
$args array Callback

Returns: string


Get all pattern options

Returns: \PatternOptions


Set options

Parameter Name Type Description
$options \PatternOptions

Returns: void
