Class Barcode


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Barcode\Barcode


Class for generate Barcode


Name Description Defined By
draw() Proxy to renderer draw() method Barcode
factory() Factory for Zend\Barcode classes. Barcode
getBarcodeFont() Get current default font Barcode
getObjectPluginManager() Get the parser plugin manager Barcode
getRendererPluginManager() Get the renderer plugin manager Barcode
makeBarcode() Barcode Constructor Barcode
makeRenderer() Renderer Constructor Barcode
render() Proxy to renderer render() method Barcode
setBarcodeFont() Set the default font for new instances of barcode Barcode

Method Details


Proxy to renderer draw() method

Parameter Name Type Description
$ array |

Returns: mixed


Factory for Zend\Barcode classes.

First argument may be a string containing the base of the adapter class name, e.g. 'code25' corresponds to class Object\Code25. This is case-insensitive.

First argument may alternatively be an object of type Traversable. The barcode class base name is read from the 'barcode' property. The barcode config parameters are read from the 'params' property.

Second argument is optional and may be an associative array of key-value pairs. This is used as the argument to the barcode constructor.

If the first argument is of type Traversable, it is assumed to contain all parameters, and the second argument is ignored.

Parameter Name Type Description
$barcode mixed String
$renderer mixed String
$barcodeConfig mixed OPTIONAL;
$rendererConfig mixed OPTIONAL;
$automaticRenderError bool OPTIONAL;

Returns: \RendererInterface


Get current default font

Returns: string


Get the parser plugin manager

Returns: \ObjectPluginManager


Get the renderer plugin manager

Returns: \RendererPluginManager


Barcode Constructor

Parameter Name Type Description
$barcode mixed String
$barcodeConfig mixed OPTIONAL;

Returns: \Object\ObjectInterface


Renderer Constructor

Parameter Name Type Description
$renderer mixed String
$rendererConfig mixed OPTIONAL;

Returns: \Renderer\RendererInterface


Proxy to renderer render() method

Parameter Name Type Description
$ array |



Set the default font for new instances of barcode

Parameter Name Type Description
$font string

Returns: void
