Class AbstractAdapter


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Authentication\Adapter\DbTable\AbstractAdapter
Extends: AbstractAdapter



Name Description Defined By
__construct() __construct() - Sets configuration options AbstractAdapter
authenticate() This method is called to attempt an authentication. Previous to this call, this adapter would have already been configured with all necessary information to successfully connect to a database table and attempt to find a record matching the provided identity. AbstractAdapter
getAmbiguityIdentity() getAmbiguityIdentity() - returns TRUE for usage of multiple identical identities with different credentials, FALSE if not used. AbstractAdapter
getCredential() Returns the credential of the account being authenticated, or NULL if none is set. AbstractAdapter
getDbSelect() getDbSelect() - Return the preauthentication Db Select object for userland select query modification AbstractAdapter
getIdentity() Returns the identity of the account being authenticated, or NULL if none is set. AbstractAdapter
getResultRowObject() getResultRowObject() - Returns the result row as a stdClass object AbstractAdapter
setAmbiguityIdentity() setAmbiguityIdentity() - sets a flag for usage of identical identities with unique credentials. It accepts integers (0, 1) or boolean (true, false) parameters. Default is false. AbstractAdapter
setCredential() Sets the credential for binding AbstractAdapter
setCredentialColumn() setCredentialColumn() - set the column name to be used as the credential column AbstractAdapter
setIdentity() Sets the identity for binding AbstractAdapter
setIdentityColumn() setIdentityColumn() - set the column name to be used as the identity column AbstractAdapter
setTableName() setTableName() - set the table name to be used in the select query AbstractAdapter

Method Details


__construct() - Sets configuration options

Parameter Name Type Description
$zendDb \DbAdapter
$tableName string Optional
$identityColumn string Optional
$credentialColumn string Optional



This method is called to attempt an authentication. Previous to this call, this adapter would have already been configured with all necessary information to successfully connect to a database table and attempt to find a record matching the provided identity.

Returns: \AuthenticationResult


getAmbiguityIdentity() - returns TRUE for usage of multiple identical identities with different credentials, FALSE if not used.

Returns: bool


Returns the credential of the account being authenticated, or NULL if none is set.

Returns: mixed


getDbSelect() - Return the preauthentication Db Select object for userland select query modification

Returns: \Sql\Select


Returns the identity of the account being authenticated, or NULL if none is set.

Returns: mixed


getResultRowObject() - Returns the result row as a stdClass object

Parameter Name Type Description
$returnColumns string|array
$omitColumns string|array

Returns: \stdClass|bool


setAmbiguityIdentity() - sets a flag for usage of identical identities with unique credentials. It accepts integers (0, 1) or boolean (true, false) parameters. Default is false.

Parameter Name Type Description
$flag int|bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Sets the credential for binding

Parameter Name Type Description
$credential mixed

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


setCredentialColumn() - set the column name to be used as the credential column

Parameter Name Type Description
$credentialColumn string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Sets the identity for binding

Parameter Name Type Description
$identity mixed

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


setIdentityColumn() - set the column name to be used as the identity column

Parameter Name Type Description
$identityColumn string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


setTableName() - set the table name to be used in the select query

Parameter Name Type Description
$tableName string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface
