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16.5. Adding UserController

The UserController class will contain several action methods providing an administrative user interface for managing the registered users. It will have the following actions:

Figure 16.3 The page allowing to see the list of users Figure 16.3 The page allowing to see the list of users

Figure 16.4 Add a new user Figure 16.4 Add a new user

Figure 16.5 Editing an existing user Figure 16.5 Editing an existing user

Figure 16.6 User profile Figure 16.6 User profile

Figure 16.7 Change user's password Figure 16.7 Change user's password

Figure 16.8 Reset password page Figure 16.8 Reset password page

The UserController controller class is designed to be as "thin" as possible. It contains only the code responsible for checking input data, instantiating the needed models, passing input data to the models and returning the output data for rendering in a view template. Because it is a typical controller class and because you can see its complete code in the User Demo sample, we will not describe it here in more detail.
