Fully Qualified Name: | Laminas\Soap\Wsdl |
Name | Description | Defined By |
__construct() | Wsdl | |
addBinding() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_bindings binding} element to WSDL | Wsdl |
addBindingOperation() | Add an operation to a binding element | Wsdl |
addComplexType() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_types types} data type definition | Wsdl |
addDocumentation() | Add a documentation element to any element in the WSDL. | Wsdl |
addElement() | Add an xsd:element represented as an array to the schema. | Wsdl |
addMessage() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_messages message} element to the WSDL | Wsdl |
addPortOperation() | Add an {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#request-response operation} element to a portType element | Wsdl |
addPortType() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_porttypes portType} element to the WSDL | Wsdl |
addSchemaTypeSection() | This function makes sure a complex types section and schema additions are set. | Wsdl |
addService() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_services service} element to the WSDL | Wsdl |
addSoapBinding() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:binding SOAP binding} element to a Binding element | Wsdl |
addSoapOperation() | Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:operation SOAP operation} to an operation element | Wsdl |
addType() | Add a complex type name that is part of this WSDL and can be used in signatures. | Wsdl |
addTypes() | Add WSDL Types element | Wsdl |
dump() | Echo the WSDL as XML | Wsdl |
getClassMap() | Get the class map of php to wsdl mappings. | Wsdl |
getComplexTypeStrategy() | Get the current complex type strategy | Wsdl |
getSchema() | Return the Schema node of the WSDL | Wsdl |
getTargetNamespace() | Retrieve target namespace of the WSDL document. | Wsdl |
getType() | Returns an XSD Type for the given PHP type | Wsdl |
getTypes() | Return an array of all currently included complex types | Wsdl |
getUri() | Return WSDL uri | Wsdl |
sanitizeUri() | Function for sanitizing uri | Wsdl |
setClassMap() | Set the class map of php to wsdl mappings. | Wsdl |
setComplexTypeStrategy() | Set a strategy for complex type detection and handling | Wsdl |
setUri() | Set a new uri for this WSDL | Wsdl |
toDomDocument() | Return DOM Document | Wsdl |
toXML() | Return the WSDL as XML | Wsdl |
translateType() | Translate PHP type into WSDL QName | Wsdl |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | Name |
$uri | string|\Uri | URI |
$strategy | null|\ComplexTypeStrategy | Strategy |
$classMap | null|array | Map |
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_bindings binding} element to WSDL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | Name |
$portType | string | name |
Returns: \DOMElement The new binding's XML_Tree_Node for use with {@link function addBindingOperation} and {@link function addDocumentation}
Add an operation to a binding element
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$binding | \DOMElement | A |
$name | string | |
$input | array|bool | An |
$output | array|bool | An |
$fault | array|bool | An |
$soapVersion | int | SOAP |
Returns: \DOMElement The new Operation's XML_Tree_Node for use with {@link function addSoapOperation} and {@link function addDocumentation}
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_types types} data type definition
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$type | string | Name |
Returns: string XSD Type for the given PHP type
Add a documentation element to any element in the WSDL.
Note that the WSDL specification uses 'document', but the WSDL schema uses 'documentation' instead.
The WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 recommends using 'documentation'.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$inputNode | \DOMElement | An |
$documentation | string | Human |
Returns: \DOMElement The documentation element
Add an xsd:element represented as an array to the schema.
Array keys represent attribute names and values their respective value. The 'sequence', 'all' and 'choice' keys must have an array of elements as their value, to add them to a nested complexType.
'name' => 'MyElement',
'sequence' => array(
array('name' => 'myString', 'type' => 'string'),
array('name' => 'myInteger', 'type' => 'int')
Resulting XML:
<xsd:element name="MyElement">
<xsd:element name="myString" type="string"/>
<xsd:element name="myInteger" type="int"/>
</xsd:sequence></xsd:complexType> </xsd:element>
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$element | array | an |
Returns: string xsd:element for the given element array
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_messages message} element to the WSDL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$messageName | string | Name |
$parts | array | An |
Returns: \DOMElement The new message's XML_Tree_Node for use in {@link function addDocumentation}
Add an {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#request-response operation} element to a portType element
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$portType | \DOMElement | a |
$name | string | Operation |
$input | bool|string | Input |
$output | bool|string | Output |
$fault | bool|string | Fault |
Returns: \DOMElement The new operation's XML_Tree_Node for use in {@link function addDocumentation}
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_porttypes portType} element to the WSDL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | portType |
Returns: \DOMElement The new portType's XML_Tree_Node for use in {@link addPortOperation} and {@link addDocumentation}
This function makes sure a complex types section and schema additions are set.
Returns: self
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_services service} element to the WSDL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | Service |
$portName | string | Name |
$binding | string | Binding |
$location | string | SOAP |
$soapVersion | int | SOAP |
Returns: \DOMElement The new service's XML_Tree_Node for use with {@link function addDocumentation}
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:binding SOAP binding} element to a Binding element
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$binding | \DOMElement | A |
$style | string | binding |
$transport | string | Transport |
$soapVersion | int | SOAP |
Returns: \DOMElement
Add a {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:operation SOAP operation} to an operation element
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$operation | \DOMElement | An |
$soapAction | string | SOAP |
$soapVersion | int | SOAP |
Returns: \DOMElement
Add a complex type name that is part of this WSDL and can be used in signatures.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$type | string | |
$wsdlType | string |
Returns: self
Add WSDL Types element
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$types | \DOMDocument|\DOMNode|\DOMElement|\DOMDocumentFragment | A DOMDocument|DOMNode|DOMElement|DOMDocumentFragment |
Returns: void
Echo the WSDL as XML
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$filename | bool |
Returns: bool
Get the class map of php to wsdl mappings.
Returns: array
Get the current complex type strategy
Returns: \ComplexTypeStrategy
Return the Schema node of the WSDL
Returns: \DOMElement
Retrieve target namespace of the WSDL document.
Returns: string
Returns an XSD Type for the given PHP type
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$type | string | PHP |
Returns: string
Return an array of all currently included complex types
Returns: array
Return WSDL uri
Returns: string
Function for sanitizing uri
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$uri | string|\Uri |
Returns: string
Set the class map of php to wsdl mappings.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$classMap | array |
Returns: self
Set a strategy for complex type detection and handling
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$strategy | \ComplexTypeStrategy |
Returns: self
Set a new uri for this WSDL
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$uri | string|\Uri |
Returns: self
Return DOM Document
Returns: \DOMDocument
Return the WSDL as XML
Returns: string WSDL as XML
Translate PHP type into WSDL QName
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
$type | string |
Returns: string QName