Class DocumentLiteralWrapper


Fully Qualified Name: Laminas\Soap\Server\DocumentLiteralWrapper


Wraps WSDL Document/Literal Style service objects to hide SOAP request message abstraction from the actual service object.

When using the document/literal SOAP message pattern you end up with one object passed to your service methods that contains all the parameters of the method. This obviously leads to a problem since Laminas\Soap\Wsdl tightly couples method parameters to request message parameters.


class MyCalculatorService {

 * @param int $x
 * @param int $y
 * @return int
public function add($x, $y)


The document/literal wrapper pattern would lead php ext/soap to generate a single "request" object that contains $x and $y properties. To solve this a wrapper service is needed that extracts the properties and delegates a proper call to the underlying service.

The input variable from a document/literal SOAP-call to the client MyCalculatorServiceClient#add(10, 20) would lead PHP ext/soap to create the following request object:

$addRequest = new \stdClass; $addRequest->x = 10; $addRequest->y = 20;

This object does not match the signature of the server-side MyCalculatorService and lead to failure.

Also the response object in this case is supposed to be an array or object with a property "addResult":

$addResponse = new \stdClass; $addResponse->addResult = 30;

To keep your service object code free from this implementation detail of SOAP this wrapper service handles the parsing between the formats.


Name Description Defined By
__call() Proxy method that does the heavy document/literal decomposing. DocumentLiteralWrapper
__construct() Pass Service object to the constructor DocumentLiteralWrapper

Method Details


Proxy method that does the heavy document/literal decomposing.

Parameter Name Type Description
$method string
$args array

Returns: mixed


Pass Service object to the constructor

Parameter Name Type Description
$object object

