Class Ean5


Fully Qualified Name: Laminas\Barcode\Object\Ean5
Extends: Ean13


Class for generate Ean5 barcode


Name Description Defined By
__construct() Constructor AbstractObject
checkParams() Checking of parameters after all settings AbstractObject
draw() Complete drawing of the barcode AbstractObject
getBackgroundColor() Retrieve background color of the image AbstractObject
getBarHeight() Get height of the barcode bar AbstractObject
getBarThickWidth() Get thickness of thick bar AbstractObject
getBarThinWidth() Get thickness of thin bar AbstractObject
getBarcodeNamespace() Retrieve barcode namespace AbstractObject
getChecksum() Get barcode checksum Ean5
getDrawText() Retrieve if drawing of text to encode is enabled AbstractObject
getFactor() Get factor applying to thinBarWidth - thickBarWidth - barHeight - fontSize AbstractObject
getFont() Retrieve the font AbstractObject
getFontSize() Retrieve the size of the font in case of TTF AbstractObject
getForeColor() Retrieve color of the barcode and text AbstractObject
getHeight() Get height of the result object AbstractObject
getInstructions() Retrieve the set of drawing instructions AbstractObject
getOffsetLeft() Calculate the offset from the left of the object if an orientation is activated AbstractObject
getOffsetTop() Calculate the offset from the top of the object if an orientation is activated AbstractObject
getOrientation() Retrieve orientation of barcode and text AbstractObject
getProvidedChecksum() AbstractObject
getQuietZone() Quiet zone before first bar and after the last bar AbstractObject
getRawText() Retrieve text to encode AbstractObject
getStretchText() Retrieve if the adjustment of the position of the characters to the position of the bars is enabled AbstractObject
getText() Retrieve text to encode Ean5
getTextToDisplay() Ean5
getType() Retrieve type of barcode AbstractObject
getWidth() Get width of the result object AbstractObject
getWithBorder() Retrieve if border are draw or not AbstractObject
getWithChecksum() Retrieve if the checksum character is automatically added to the barcode text AbstractObject
getWithChecksumInText() Retrieve if the checksum character is automatically added to the barcode text AbstractObject
getWithQuietZones() Retrieve if quiet zones are draw or not AbstractObject
setBackgroundColor() Set the color of the background AbstractObject
setBarHeight() Set height of the barcode bar AbstractObject
setBarThickWidth() Set thickness of thick bar AbstractObject
setBarThinWidth() Set thickness of thin bar AbstractObject
setBarcodeNamespace() Set barcode namespace for autoloading AbstractObject
setDrawText() Activate/deactivate drawing of text to encode AbstractObject
setFactor() Set factor applying to thinBarWidth - thickBarWidth - barHeight - fontSize AbstractObject
setFont() Set the font: - if integer between 1 and 5, use gd built-in fonts - if string, $value is assumed to be the path to a TTF font AbstractObject
setFontSize() Set the size of the font in case of TTF AbstractObject
setForeColor() Set color of the barcode and text AbstractObject
setOptions() Set barcode state from options array AbstractObject
setOrientation() Set orientation of barcode and text AbstractObject
setProvidedChecksum() AbstractObject
setReverseColor() Allow fast inversion of font/bars color and background color AbstractObject
setStretchText() Activate/deactivate the adjustment of the position of the characters to the position of the bars AbstractObject
setText() Set text to encode AbstractObject
setWithBorder() Activate/deactivate drawing of the bar AbstractObject
setWithChecksum() Activate/deactivate the automatic generation of the checksum character added to the barcode text AbstractObject
setWithChecksumInText() Activate/deactivate the automatic generation of the checksum character added to the barcode text AbstractObject
setWithQuietZones() Activate/deactivate drawing of the quiet zones AbstractObject
validateText() Check for invalid characters AbstractObject

Method Details



Parameter Name Type Description
$options array|\Traversable



Checking of parameters after all settings

Returns: bool


Complete drawing of the barcode

Returns: array Table of instructions


Retrieve background color of the image

Returns: int


Get height of the barcode bar

Returns: int


Get thickness of thick bar

Returns: int


Get thickness of thin bar

Returns: int


Retrieve barcode namespace

Returns: string


Get barcode checksum

Parameter Name Type Description
$text string

Returns: int


Retrieve if drawing of text to encode is enabled

Returns: bool


Get factor applying to thinBarWidth - thickBarWidth - barHeight - fontSize

Returns: int


Retrieve the font

Returns: int|string


Retrieve the size of the font in case of TTF

Returns: float


Retrieve color of the barcode and text

Returns: int


Get height of the result object

Parameter Name Type Description
$recalculate bool

Returns: int


Retrieve the set of drawing instructions

Returns: array


Calculate the offset from the left of the object if an orientation is activated

Parameter Name Type Description
$recalculate bool

Returns: float


Calculate the offset from the top of the object if an orientation is activated

Parameter Name Type Description
$recalculate bool

Returns: float


Retrieve orientation of barcode and text

Returns: float


Returns: bool


Quiet zone before first bar and after the last bar

Returns: int


Retrieve text to encode

Returns: string


Retrieve if the adjustment of the position of the characters to the position of the bars is enabled

Returns: bool


Retrieve text to encode

Returns: string


Returns: string


Retrieve type of barcode

Returns: string


Get width of the result object

Parameter Name Type Description
$recalculate bool

Returns: int


Retrieve if border are draw or not

Returns: bool


Retrieve if the checksum character is automatically added to the barcode text

Returns: bool


Retrieve if the checksum character is automatically added to the barcode text

Returns: bool


Retrieve if quiet zones are draw or not

Returns: bool


Set the color of the background

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set height of the barcode bar

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set thickness of thick bar

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set thickness of thin bar

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set barcode namespace for autoloading

Parameter Name Type Description
$namespace string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Activate/deactivate drawing of text to encode

Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set factor applying to thinBarWidth - thickBarWidth - barHeight - fontSize

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int|float|string|bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set the font: - if integer between 1 and 5, use gd built-in fonts - if string, $value is assumed to be the path to a TTF font

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int|string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set the size of the font in case of TTF

Parameter Name Type Description
$value float

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set color of the barcode and text

Parameter Name Type Description
$value string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set barcode state from options array

Parameter Name Type Description
$options array

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set orientation of barcode and text

Parameter Name Type Description
$value int|float|string|bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: $this


Allow fast inversion of font/bars color and background color

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Activate/deactivate the adjustment of the position of the characters to the position of the bars

Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Set text to encode

Parameter Name Type Description
$value string

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Activate/deactivate drawing of the bar

Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Activate/deactivate the automatic generation of the checksum character added to the barcode text

Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Activate/deactivate the automatic generation of the checksum character added to the barcode text

Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Activate/deactivate drawing of the quiet zones

Parameter Name Type Description
$value bool

Returns: self Provides a fluent interface


Check for invalid characters

Parameter Name Type Description
$value string Text

